Bath Shelf

Post date: Nov 26, 2017 6:36:36 PM

Inspired by PInterest, I wanted to make a bath shelf to give to my wife for her birthday. For materials, I used slats from deconstructed pallets. Now, never having deconstructed pallets before, I went after them with a Ryobi JobPlus with the multi-tool attachment and circular blade.

That took hours., a lot of hours. I plan to follow this YouTube video next time and use my reciprocating saw. Oops.

Once I had the boards, it was pretty straight forward to get to the first draft. I trimmed up a piece of scrap for the reading foot hold and a chunk of 2x4 for the back.

Then, I notched out a couple of stem glass holders (this is when I cracked a board and glued it back). ...and then sanded, sanded, and sanded (again, with the JobPlus, but this time with the sanding head)

Then, I stained it and put a top coat on it. This was my first time staining anything, and I kind of loved it.

...and voila!